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Iowa Lakes

Games Goals Goals-per game Shot % Shots-per game GAA
17 51 3.00 .172 17.4 1.65
No. Name Position Year
0 Ryan Harrisskitt GK Sophomore
1 Ollie Harrison GK Sophomore
4 Craig Barker M Sophomore
6 Abel Gebrekiros M Freshmen
7 Armando Garcia M Freshmen
8 Tyler Loehr D Sophomore
9 Levi Heholt F Freshmen
10 Charlie Hackshall M Sophomore
11 Antonio Hernandez F Sophomore
12 Big Omari D Sophomore
13 Julio Rangel M Freshmen
14 Cristian Sanchez D Sophomore
15 Sebastian Rojas D Freshmen
16 Alvaro Capra M Freshmen
17 Jack Gibson D Sophomore
18 Bryan Arellano M Freshmen
19 Jose Mendez D Sophomore
21 Caique Rodrigues M Sophomore
22 Ignacio Albors M Sophomore
23 Fabio Basulado M Freshmen
25 Rian Marques F Sophomore
26 James Paylor D Sophomore
27 Nicolas Likulia F Freshmen
28 Adam Pritchard D Freshmen
29 Kyle Chambers D Freshmen
Sami Abdulahi F Freshmen
Chris Baruanic F Sophomore
Jorge Caldera M Freshmen
Lucas Doblano GK Freshmen
Brad Dunn D Sophomore
Matty Jonsen M Sophomore
Zak Khalifa F Freshmen
Ali Lula M Freshmen
Mahammed Noor M Freshmen
Javier Perez M Freshmen
Adan Rodgriguez M Freshmen
Cameron Sterling M Freshmen
Adrian Topete F Sophomore
Kevin Yao M Freshmen