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Matches Kills per set Hitting % Assists per set Blocks per set Service Aces per set Digs per set
27 13.00 .103 9.04 1.35 2.47 13.59
No. Name Yr Pos m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
1 Kelsey Richmond Fr OH 18 93 271 2.91 102 615 .275 10 0.11 13 0.14 213 16 98 1.05 17 8 25 0.27 305.0 3.3
2 Alexis McKenzie Fr DS 18 66 8 0.12 22 53 -.264 2 0.03 8 0.12 256 19 132 2.00 0 0 0 0.00 16.0 0.2
3 Ashley Bohr Fr DS 17 37 0 0.00 0 0 - 0 0.00 5 0.14 42 9 18 0.49 0 0 0 0.00 5.0 0.1
4 Katherine Chandler Fr DS 18 63 30 0.48 14 156 .103 10 0.16 13 0.21 246 18 66 1.05 3 1 4 0.06 46.5 0.7
5 Alexis Thelen Fr RS 18 66 105 1.59 98 389 .018 4 0.06 31 0.47 28 3 22 0.33 15 6 21 0.32 154.0 2.3
6 Jaclyn Hannon So S 18 66 10 0.15 7 32 .094 393 5.95 22 0.33 1 0 71 1.08 5 4 9 0.14 39.0 0.6
7 Kourtni Bingley Fr DS 16 58 61 1.05 53 270 .030 3 0.05 3 0.05 107 14 50 0.86 2 2 4 0.07 67.0 1.2
8 Rea McGill Fr RS 18 66 72 1.09 44 296 .095 3 0.05 12 0.18 3 0 9 0.14 9 4 13 0.20 95.0 1.4
10 Elizabeth Ronan So OH 18 66 54 0.82 51 333 .009 0 0.00 9 0.14 401 30 176 2.67 0 0 0 0.00 63.0 1.0
  Totals 27 94 1222 13.00 780 4289 .103 850 9.04 232 2.47 2592 219 1277 13.59 102 50 127 1.35 1581.0 16.8
  Opponent 27 94 746 7.94 306 2145 .205 648 6.89 80 0.85 - 62 1229 13.07 157 65 190 2.02 1015.5 10.8
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