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Mercyhurst North East

Matches Kills per set Hitting % Assists per set Blocks per set Service Aces per set Digs per set
21 8.86 .171 7.47 1.86 1.26 12.04
Schedule Summary
Overall (Pct.)8-13 (.381)
Conference (Pct.) 1-5 (.167)
StreakWon 1
Full Scores and Schedule »
Recent Games
Oct 15 at Butler County L, 2-1
Oct 15 vs. Beaver County W, 2-0
Oct 18 at Cuyahoga L, 3-1
Oct 21 at Genesee L, 3-1
Oct 25 Monroe CC L, 2-1
Oct 25 vs. SUNY Niagara W, 2-0
Statistics category Overall
Matches 21 104th
Sets 74 103rd
Kills 656 96th
Kills per set 8.86 79th
Errors 313 103rd
Total Attacks 2004 102nd
Hitting Percentage .171 59th
Assists 553 98th
Assists per set 7.47 82nd
Service Aces 93 102nd
Service Errors 159 82nd
Service Aces per set 1.26 86th
Receptions 0 95th
Reception Errors 0 104th
Digs 891 102nd
Digs per set 12.04 95th
Block Solo 127 37th
Block Assist 22 103rd
Block Total 138 87th
Blocks per set 1.86 57th
Block Errors 248 14th
Ball Handling Errors 0 102nd
Points 887.0 98th
Points per set 12.0 82nd
Home Attendance 0 12th
Home Attendance average 0 12th