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Rk Name   gp gs gpg a/g pts/g sh/g sh% sog/g sog%
1 K Alcaraz Sanchez Phoenix 25 19 .28 .52 1.08 1.36 .206 1.04 .765
1 S Estrada Phoenix 25 19 .80 .40 2.00 2.64 .303 1.88 .712
1 L Figueroa Phoenix 25 19 .96 .88 2.80 3.04 .316 2.08 .684
1 E Gonzalez Phoenix 25 25 1.24 .72 3.20 3.76 .330 2.84 .755
1 H Konno Tyler 25 24 .28 .32 .88 1.36 .206 .68 .500
1 C Ramet Tyler 25 17 .20 .28 .68 1.04 .192 .64 .615
1 K Ramirez Phoenix 25 25 .24 .08 .56 .92 .261 .88 .957
1 A Takada Tyler 25 22 .08 .32 .48 .92 .087 .32 .348
9 L Acuna Corona Phoenix 24 24 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
9 K Amilpas Phoenix 24 21 .00 .00 .00 .21 .000 .08 .400
9 S Anaya Tyler 24 16 .21 .08 .50 1.29 .161 .83 .645
9 C Clemmons Tyler 24 3 .00 .17 .17 .42 .000 .21 .500
9 L Esparza Phoenix 24 22 .04 .08 .17 .38 .111 .25 .667
9 L Loza Tyler 24 22 .04 .13 .21 .25 .167 .13 .500
9 L Munoz Tyler 24 24 .13 .00 .25 .58 .214 .33 .571
9 A Neves Tyler 24 23 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
9 N Perez Phoenix 24 22 .38 .29 1.04 .88 .429 .71 .810
9 I Sanchez-Gracia Tyler 24 23 .46 .46 1.38 2.63 .175 1.67 .635
19 C Boateng Arizona Western 23 23 1.17 .39 2.74 4.13 .284 2.30 .558
19 B Lozano Phoenix 23 22 .09 .04 .22 .26 .333 .17 .667
19 K Melendrez Arizona Western 23 22 .87 1.13 2.87 4.83 .180 2.74 .568
19 K Navarro Arizona Western 23 23 .48 .87 1.83 3.70 .129 2.13 .576
19 A Ruiz Phoenix 23 3 .17 .00 .35 .17 1.000 .17 1.000
19 C Samaniego Arizona Western 23 23 1.13 .61 2.87 4.22 .268 2.65 .629
19 J Trabach Tyler 23 16 .78 .26 1.83 3.04 .257 2.04 .671
19 M Zendejas Arizona Western 23 22 .00 .04 .04 .00 - .00 -
27 K Alvarez Cardona Phoenix 22 13 .18 .23 .59 .86 .211 .64 .737
27 C Bonilla GateWay (AZ) 22 21 .14 .14 .41 .32 .429 .23 .714
27 L Duron Arizona Western 22 22 .00 .18 .18 .05 .000 .00 .000
27 R Fisher Rose State 22 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
27 Y Gonzales Arizona Western 22 19 .00 .14 .14 .05 .000 .09 2.000
27 A Hoffman GateWay (AZ) 22 17 .00 .05 .05 .00 - .00 -
27 A Kolsrud GateWay (AZ) 22 20 .00 .09 .09 .14 .000 .05 .333
27 H Morrison Rose State 22 8 .14 .05 .32 .23 .600 .32 1.400
27 S Morrison Rose State 22 21 .05 .05 .14 .50 .091 .36 .727
27 E Salazar GateWay (AZ) 22 4 .05 .05 .14 .05 1.000 .00 .000
27 K Samprone GateWay (AZ) 22 20 .05 .09 .18 .14 .333 .32 2.333
27 M Solis GateWay (AZ) 22 22 .32 .14 .77 .18 1.750 .00 .000
27 K Stevenson GateWay (AZ) 22 22 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
27 J Titsworth Rose State 22 17 .36 .18 .91 1.05 .348 .77 .739
27 J Valdez GateWay (AZ) 22 10 .05 .09 .18 .00 - .00 -
27 S Wainscott Rose State 22 21 .45 .18 1.09 1.23 .370 .91 .741
27 J Williams Arizona Western 22 14 .00 .23 .23 .59 .000 .27 .462
27 W Zimmerman GateWay (AZ) 22 9 .05 .00 .09 .00 - .00 -
45 A Adams Harford 21 19 1.05 .43 2.52 4.86 .216 2.05 .422
45 M Alvarez Phoenix 21 - .05 .19 .29 .33 .143 .19 .571
45 J Arevalo Western Wyoming 21 21 .00 .00 .00 .10 .000 .10 1.000
45 J Auger Western Wyoming 21 17 .05 .05 .14 1.14 .042 .52 .458
45 T Bigelow Pima 21 21 .00 .05 .05 .10 .000 .00 .000
45 R Bohli Harford 21 18 1.33 .52 3.19 6.00 .222 3.43 .571
45 S Brock Rose State 21 10 .00 .05 .05 .67 .000 .19 .286
45 B Brubaker Scottsdale 21 3 .05 .05 .14 .33 .143 .10 .286
45 H Bueler Scottsdale 21 21 .00 .05 .05 .00 - .00 -
45 C Dalton Lewis & Clark 21 21 .14 .38 .67 .24 .600 .05 .200
45 K Dieter Harford 21 20 .05 .10 .19 .29 .167 .14 .500
45 E Doleschal Harford 21 21 .00 .33 .33 .52 .000 .38 .727
45 E Dominguez GateWay (AZ) 21 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
45 S Duggan Scottsdale 21 21 .00 .05 .05 .05 .000 .05 1.000
45 J Edwards Western Wyoming 21 21 .05 .00 .10 1.14 .042 .71 .625
45 K Escobedo Phoenix 21 3 .00 .05 .05 .10 .000 .10 1.000
45 A Felix Arizona Western 21 16 .00 .00 .00 .05 .000 .00 .000
45 M Forsythe Harford 21 9 1.05 .48 2.57 4.14 .253 2.24 .540
45 E Gallagher Pima 21 21 .10 .43 .62 .67 .143 .05 .071
45 K Gibadlo Scottsdale 21 4 .10 .10 .29 1.14 .083 .57 .500
45 A Grifol Scottsdale 21 21 .19 .14 .52 .86 .222 .62 .722
45 T Herbert Western Wyoming 21 - .00 .10 .10 .19 .000 .14 .750
45 A Hernandez Pima 21 21 1.19 .19 2.57 2.43 .490 1.33 .549
45 G Humes Harford 21 19 .48 .38 1.33 1.81 .263 1.05 .579
45 T Inocencio Pima 21 21 .10 .24 .43 .48 .200 .10 .200
45 K Kaufmann Scottsdale 21 20 .48 .19 1.14 4.71 .101 2.33 .495
45 A Kinzie Pima 21 18 .10 .14 .33 .43 .222 .14 .333
45 C Kline Harford 21 21 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
45 K Lambert Harford 21 9 .29 .71 1.29 2.67 .107 1.24 .464
45 J Larsen Scottsdale 21 19 .29 .19 .76 1.38 .207 .71 .517
45 K Louvall Lewis & Clark 21 21 1.14 .48 2.76 .67 1.714 .38 .571
45 K Lucas Western Wyoming 21 20 .48 .19 1.14 2.90 .164 1.76 .607
45 M Lyons GateWay (AZ) 21 20 .00 .00 .00 .05 .000 .00 .000
45 A Maciel Scottsdale 21 20 .52 .33 1.38 2.10 .250 1.14 .545
45 D Matedne Arizona Western 21 9 .10 .14 .33 .29 .333 .10 .333
45 C Morales Western Wyoming 21 4 .00 .00 .00 .29 .000 .10 .333
45 K Nielson Western Wyoming 21 5 .05 .05 .14 .52 .091 .29 .545
45 A Paloma GateWay (AZ) 21 - .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
45 A Parra GateWay (AZ) 21 - .05 .00 .10 .05 1.000 .05 1.000
45 B Pedersen Pima 21 20 .05 .19 .29 .14 .333 .05 .333
45 S Phillips GateWay (AZ) 21 20 .10 .14 .33 .00 - .00 -
45 M Pierce Lewis & Clark 21 21 .43 .48 1.33 .24 1.800 .24 1.000
45 K Pryor Western Wyoming 21 19 .00 .00 .00 .48 .000 .33 .700
45 A Raj Phoenix 21 7 .00 .05 .05 .33 .000 .29 .857
45 V Ramirez Western Wyoming 21 21 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
45 E Raulie Harford 21 21 .05 .00 .10 .24 .200 .14 .600
45 S Reid Tyler 21 2 .24 .19 .67 1.10 .217 .52 .478
45 K Renfro Tyler 21 13 .43 .19 1.05 1.67 .257 1.24 .743
45 R Robertson Rose State 21 21 .10 .10 .29 .62 .154 .33 .538
45 R Robertson Rose State 21 12 .00 .14 .14 .29 .000 .14 .500
45 L Russ Scottsdale 21 12 .00 .00 .00 .43 .000 .10 .222
45 A Sanders Rose State 21 21 .48 .14 1.10 1.10 .435 1.29 1.174
45 K Schneider Lewis & Clark 21 21 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
45 J Smith Pima 21 21 .62 .10 1.33 2.29 .271 .71 .313
45 B Stabile Harford 21 20 .38 .62 1.38 1.62 .235 .86 .529
45 M Thompson Western Wyoming 21 19 .38 .24 1.00 2.33 .163 1.38 .592
45 R Tonks Lewis & Clark 21 21 .05 .10 .19 .00 - .00 -
45 V Villalobos-Haros Scottsdale 21 20 .05 .10 .19 .43 .111 .24 .556
45 M Wills Harford 21 20 .95 .52 2.43 3.62 .263 2.10 .579
45 A Zeyen Arizona Western 21 5 .05 .19 .29 1.00 .048 .52 .524
45 M Zick Rose State 21 18 .00 .05 .05 .24 .000 .14 .600
106 M Baca Butler 20 18 .20 .15 .55 1.55 .129 .65 .419
106 E Barreras Phoenix 20 19 .00 .10 .10 .00 - .00 -
106 K Bilotta Waubonsee 20 5 .00 .05 .05 .20 .000 .20 1.000
106 A Blood Rose State 20 16 .10 .15 .35 .80 .125 .70 .875
106 B Brasher Coffeyville 20 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
106 I Castro Cloud County 20 20 .30 .20 .80 1.05 .286 .50 .476
106 A Cataggio Harford 20 2 .05 .00 .10 .15 .333 .05 .333
106 A Comper Coffeyville 20 19 .70 .60 2.00 1.80 .389 1.65 .917
106 A Conway Cloud County 20 20 .40 .25 1.05 2.75 .145 1.80 .655
106 H Daaboul Rose State 20 4 .15 .05 .35 .45 .333 .60 1.333
106 Z DeWerff Butler 20 11 .45 .25 1.15 1.80 .250 .95 .528
106 J Elmer Scottsdale 20 5 .05 .05 .15 .50 .100 .20 .400
106 K Fenoglio Coffeyville 20 17 .00 .10 .10 .25 .000 .05 .200
106 G Flores Phoenix 20 5 .05 .30 .40 .55 .091 .50 .909
106 E Garcia Butler 20 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
106 K Garland Waubonsee 20 5 1.75 .50 4.00 .70 2.500 .85 1.214
106 V Garza Tyler 20 18 .00 .05 .05 .00 - .00 -
106 L Gomez Tyler 20 12 .35 .10 .80 1.50 .233 .75 .500
106 M Gonzalez Johnson County 20 20 .55 .35 1.45 2.35 .234 1.50 .638
106 A Hernandez Waubonsee 20 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
106 M Hill Johnson County 20 1 .05 .15 .25 1.20 .042 .55 .458
106 E Hofer Johnson County 20 12 .00 .00 .00 .40 .000 .15 .375
106 E Johnston Lewis & Clark 20 17 .10 .30 .50 .00 - .00 -
106 H Johnston Cloud County 20 20 .00 .00 .00 .05 .000 .05 1.000
106 D Kelly Pima 20 10 .10 .10 .30 .75 .133 .10 .133
106 N Koczka Waubonsee 20 5 .60 1.15 2.35 1.10 .545 .75 .682
106 A Kulessa Rose State 20 4 .15 .10 .40 .30 .500 .15 .500
106 M Marquez Coffeyville 20 19 .00 .00 .00 .15 .000 .05 .333
106 Y Mendoza Cloud County 20 17 .15 .05 .35 .75 .200 .50 .667
106 K Muir GateWay (AZ) 20 - .05 .05 .15 .05 1.000 .00 .000
106 T Murphy Lewis & Clark 20 3 .00 .10 .10 .00 - .00 -
106 A Ragsdale Coffeyville 20 18 .10 .10 .30 .55 .182 .55 1.000
106 V Reynoso Coffeyville 20 19 .25 .55 1.05 1.05 .238 .80 .762
106 C Rivera Johnson County 20 19 .25 .05 .55 2.40 .104 1.45 .604
106 G Rodrigues Coffeyville 20 17 .45 .20 1.10 .85 .529 1.30 1.529
106 K Rojas Cloud County 20 20 .20 .10 .50 1.10 .182 .60 .545
106 A Rotunno Harford 20 19 .15 .35 .65 1.85 .081 .85 .459
106 S Ryan Rose State 20 20 .10 .10 .30 .30 .333 .00 .000
106 V Silva Johnson County 20 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
106 S Simmons Butler 20 20 .05 .10 .20 .20 .250 .15 .750
106 K Swanson Butler 20 13 .10 .05 .25 .85 .118 .65 .765
106 B Ullom Johnson County 20 20 .15 .00 .30 .90 .167 .55 .611
106 J Villanova Cloud County 20 18 .80 .20 1.80 3.70 .216 1.85 .500
106 K Weaver Butler 20 19 .80 .40 2.00 3.15 .254 1.80 .571
106 K Webster Harford 20 1 .45 .25 1.15 1.90 .237 1.25 .658
106 M Wolf Waubonsee 20 5 .10 .05 .25 .10 1.000 .05 .500
152 L Ackley Coffeyville 19 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
152 E Akin Butler 19 3 .26 .05 .58 .58 .455 .42 .727
152 A Allgaier Iowa Western 19 19 .00 .21 .21 .11 .000 .05 .500
152 C Ash Johnson County 19 3 .26 .00 .53 .74 .357 .58 .786
152 G Ayew Asare Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 19 19 1.42 .37 3.21 3.79 .375 2.58 .681
152 J Barbon Harford 19 6 .37 .53 1.26 1.89 .194 .89 .472
152 E Barnes Western Wyoming 19 18 .21 .11 .53 1.63 .129 .79 .484
152 M Barnes Western Wyoming 19 18 .00 .11 .11 1.21 .000 .79 .652
152 M Barnes Gordon State 19 1 .16 .32 .63 .89 .176 .58 .647
152 E Benitez Moraine Valley 19 19 .11 .11 .32 1.11 .095 .26 .238
152 S Bertram Gordon State 19 19 1.47 .74 3.68 6.79 .217 3.79 .558
152 B Biggs Gordon State 19 18 .00 .00 .00 .32 .000 .05 .167
152 A Bloomfield Scottsdale 19 13 .00 .00 .00 .21 .000 .11 .500
152 A Boss Iowa Western 19 9 .16 .21 .53 1.26 .125 .89 .708
152 J Bouma Waubonsee 19 4 .32 .11 .74 .16 2.000 .05 .333
152 N Boza Georgia Military 19 8 .21 .00 .42 1.63 .129 .89 .548
152 R Brantley Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 19 18 .32 .11 .74 1.00 .316 1.00 1.000
152 A Broersma Georgia Military 19 19 .00 .11 .11 .79 .000 .32 .400
152 M Brown Patrick & Henry 19 19 .84 .42 2.11 4.95 .170 3.32 .670
152 N Burgess Gordon State 19 1 .32 .26 .89 .95 .333 .68 .722
152 S Carpenter Gordon State 19 13 .00 .00 .00 .32 .000 .05 .167
152 M Clark Iowa Western 19 19 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
152 C Collevy Moraine Valley 19 19 .37 .32 1.05 3.79 .097 1.89 .500
152 C Coronel Gordon State 19 19 .37 .47 1.21 1.79 .206 1.16 .647
152 K Cruise Patrick & Henry 19 17 .05 .00 .11 .47 .111 .37 .778
152 J Cummings Johnson County 19 19 .05 .05 .16 .16 .333 .11 .667
152 L Davis Scottsdale 19 6 .11 .21 .42 .63 .167 .32 .500
152 M Deshazo Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 19 17 .53 .05 1.11 1.58 .333 1.42 .900
152 H Dias Coffeyville 19 18 .05 .47 .58 .84 .063 .53 .625
152 K Downey Patrick & Henry 19 19 .58 .53 1.68 2.26 .256 1.53 .674
152 P Downey Johnson County 19 16 .32 .53 1.16 1.47 .214 .89 .607
152 B Elbeitoni Moraine Valley 19 4 .21 .21 .63 1.05 .200 .42 .400
152 M Estrada Gordon State 19 19 .11 .21 .42 .68 .154 .47 .692
152 M Garcia Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 19 18 .11 .11 .32 .26 .400 .37 1.400
152 J Gonzalez GateWay (AZ) 19 11 .21 .11 .53 .16 1.333 .00 .000
152 C Graham Georgia Military 19 18 .26 .16 .68 1.79 .147 1.47 .824
152 C Hahn Gordon State 19 14 .05 .21 .32 .95 .056 .47 .500
152 A Hall Iowa Western 19 19 .16 .11 .42 .89 .176 .53 .588
152 A Halseth Gordon State 19 1 .26 .21 .74 1.42 .185 .63 .444
152 E Hampton Patrick & Henry 19 16 .00 .05 .05 .11 .000 .05 .500
152 T Hatem Georgia Military 19 18 .05 .26 .37 .74 .071 .47 .643
152 M Hopkisson Johnson County 19 18 .47 .26 1.21 2.89 .164 2.00 .691
152 G Jaime Waubonsee 19 5 .05 .21 .32 .32 .167 .16 .500
152 A Jimenez Paradise Valley 19 19 .42 .53 1.37 .63 .667 .16 .250
152 R Khasoha Rose State 19 16 .05 .05 .16 .21 .250 .21 1.000
152 D Kiker Gordon State 19 6 .11 .16 .37 .58 .182 .32 .545
152 S Kordaczka Moraine Valley 19 19 .05 .21 .32 1.00 .053 .42 .421
152 K Kreemer Butler 19 14 .53 .32 1.37 2.79 .189 1.47 .528
152 M Larsen Coffeyville 19 18 .00 .00 .00 .05 .000 .00 .000
152 M Larson Laramie County 19 16 .00 .05 .05 .16 .000 .11 .667
152 K Lee Paradise Valley 19 19 .63 .11 1.37 .32 2.000 .05 .167
152 S Letsie Lewis & Clark 19 19 .74 .63 2.11 .53 1.400 .47 .900
152 E Lloyd Southwestern Illinois 19 19 .37 .42 1.16 1.00 .368 .58 .579
152 K Loken Laramie County 19 19 .26 .11 .63 1.74 .152 .79 .455
152 I Martin Patrick & Henry 19 16 .68 .32 1.68 3.74 .183 1.95 .521
152 K Martin Pima 19 18 .11 .16 .37 .26 .400 .05 .200
152 T Martinez Butler 19 19 .00 .16 .16 .21 .000 .05 .250
152 M Mayfield Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 19 9 .00 .32 .32 .79 .000 .21 .267
152 M Medina Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 19 17 .11 .05 .26 .42 .250 .32 .750
152 M Menzel Waubonsee 19 4 .68 .32 1.68 .11 6.500 .16 1.500
152 K Montoya Moraine Valley 19 19 .32 .47 1.11 2.74 .115 1.16 .423
152 S Moran Moraine Valley 19 19 .32 .21 .84 1.84 .171 .89 .486
152 A Morillon Laramie County 19 19 .74 .68 2.16 4.05 .182 2.47 .610
152 P Moser Iowa Western 19 17 .26 .05 .58 1.42 .185 .79 .556
152 S Mutang Georgia Military 19 14 .21 .21 .63 1.21 .174 .89 .739
152 K Newton Georgia Military 19 15 .42 .21 1.05 2.16 .195 1.47 .683
152 C Norman Georgia Military 19 19 .00 .05 .05 .00 - .00 -
152 R Noyce Johnson County 19 17 .05 .11 .21 .21 .250 .11 .500
152 A Nwawel Georgia Military 19 16 2.05 .53 4.63 3.89 .527 3.00 .770
152 A Osborne Southwestern Illinois 19 17 .00 .00 .00 .11 .000 .11 1.000
152 A Overberg Iowa Western 19 15 .37 .11 .84 1.68 .219 1.16 .688
152 K Pascarella Johnson County 19 2 .42 .21 1.05 1.74 .242 1.21 .697
152 L Passini Laramie County 19 19 .00 .00 .00 .16 .000 .11 .667
152 T Prellberg Waubonsee 19 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
152 M Rangel Coffeyville 19 6 .16 .05 .37 .05 3.000 .21 4.000
152 K Reddish Iowa Western 19 19 .05 .26 .37 .21 .250 .16 .750
152 N Reynoso Gordon State 19 17 .21 .37 .79 1.53 .138 1.05 .690
152 D Robb Iowa Western 19 4 .16 .05 .37 1.05 .150 .63 .600
152 K Rodriguez Coffeyville 19 19 .05 .21 .32 .84 .063 .58 .688
152 G Rollins Moraine Valley 19 19 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
152 P Rueda flores Pima 19 9 .21 .11 .53 .58 .364 .16 .273
152 A Rugel Georgia Military 19 19 .58 .79 1.95 3.84 .151 1.79 .466
152 P Rzadkosz Moraine Valley 19 19 .79 1.21 2.79 3.74 .211 2.11 .563
152 N Sanchez Patrick & Henry 19 17 .11 .21 .42 2.37 .044 1.21 .511
152 P Sicairos Arizona Western 19 12 .05 .11 .21 .84 .063 .42 .500
152 A Solarte Iowa Western 19 19 .26 .21 .74 1.47 .179 .89 .607
152 J Steinke Moraine Valley 19 19 .32 .26 .89 2.16 .146 .79 .366
152 H Stewart Butler 19 19 .21 .32 .74 1.37 .154 .63 .462
152 T Stoeger Laramie County 19 18 1.05 1.00 3.11 4.58 .230 3.11 .678
152 H Swindell Coffeyville 19 1 .16 .05 .37 .37 .429 .21 .571
152 M Tingen Patrick & Henry 19 3 .00 .16 .16 .42 .000 .11 .250
152 A Torres Butler 19 12 .11 .11 .32 .89 .118 .47 .529
152 A Valdez Paradise Valley 19 19 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
152 G Vernardakis Johnson County 19 18 .05 .26 .37 2.05 .026 1.11 .538
152 A Ward Waubonsee 19 4 .05 .00 .11 .05 1.000 .05 1.000
152 J Warja Moraine Valley 19 19 .05 .11 .21 .37 .143 .11 .286
152 A Welker Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 19 17 .47 .11 1.05 .26 1.800 .26 1.000
152 N Woods Laramie County 19 19 1.32 .53 3.16 3.68 .357 2.58 .700
152 M da Silveira Laramie County 19 15 .26 .37 .89 1.00 .263 .58 .579
152 N de Marco Laramie County 19 19 .21 .63 1.05 1.47 .143 .95 .643
252 J Alarcon Neosho County 18 17 .11 .00 .22 1.00 .111 .72 .722
252 B Allen Lewis & Clark 18 1 .11 .17 .39 .11 1.000 .06 .500
252 M Anderson Cape Fear 18 13 .00 .06 .06 .33 .000 .11 .333
252 A Andrzejewski Lewis & Clark 18 18 1.61 .89 4.11 .17 9.667 .17 1.000
252 K April MCC-Blue River 18 - .06 .00 .11 .28 .200 .11 .400
252 K Ashworth Barton 18 18 .11 .00 .22 2.72 .041 1.67 .612
252 E Atkins Laramie County 18 5 .28 .28 .83 .89 .313 .61 .688
252 C Atkinson Hesston 18 17 .39 .06 .83 .89 .438 .78 .875
252 S Bain State Fair 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 B Baucom Hesston 18 18 .00 .11 .11 .06 .000 .06 1.000
252 P Baucom Hesston 18 12 .17 .06 .39 .28 .600 .28 1.000
252 J Behrens Barton 18 18 .11 .22 .44 1.28 .087 .56 .435
252 S Berg MCC-Blue River 18 18 .44 .39 1.28 2.22 .200 1.39 .625
252 G Bertelsen Itawamba 18 2 .17 .00 .33 .17 1.000 .17 1.000
252 C Betancourt Itawamba 18 3 .11 .28 .50 .39 .286 .17 .429
252 M Birckhead Patrick & Henry 18 13 .17 .06 .39 .89 .188 .78 .875
252 E Bliven Pima 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .00 .000
252 M Bolen Cape Fear 18 18 .11 .17 .39 1.44 .077 .67 .462
252 M Bouwhuis Snow 18 16 .22 .11 .56 1.89 .118 1.00 .529
252 F Bradley Itawamba 18 - .17 .06 .39 .17 1.000 .17 1.000
252 R Brantley Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 18 18 .17 .56 .89 1.78 .094 1.00 .563
252 M Bravo Navarro 18 18 .00 .06 .06 .00 - .00 -
252 M Bueno Mesa 18 17 .33 .22 .89 1.67 .200 .28 .167
252 H Burke Hutchinson 18 18 .33 .06 .72 1.50 .222 .61 .407
252 J Byrd Spartanburg Methodist 18 18 .06 .00 .11 .06 1.000 .06 1.000
252 S Call Utah State Eastern 18 6 .06 .06 .17 .39 .143 .28 .714
252 B Campanello Sussex County 18 14 .11 .06 .28 .56 .200 .28 .500
252 K Campos Tyler 18 15 .11 .06 .28 .61 .182 .39 .636
252 L Canavan Navarro 18 17 .50 .61 1.61 2.89 .173 1.83 .635
252 M Cantrell Western Wyoming 18 16 .33 .28 .94 3.00 .111 2.11 .704
252 Y Cardenas Western Wyoming 18 7 .11 .11 .33 1.44 .077 .89 .615
252 M Carter Navarro 18 18 .00 .28 .28 .33 .000 .28 .833
252 J Castillo Paradise Valley 18 18 .00 .22 .22 .06 .000 .00 .000
252 L Chavez Iowa Western 18 18 .61 .89 2.11 3.39 .180 2.33 .689
252 D Christie Itawamba 18 3 .44 .33 1.22 .50 .889 .39 .778
252 M Clark Allen County 18 18 .00 .06 .06 .22 .000 .17 .750
252 T Clark Hesston 18 18 .17 .22 .56 .33 .500 .33 1.000
252 M Coffman State Fair 18 18 .00 .06 .06 .61 .000 .11 .182
252 K Coggeshall Gordon State 18 - .06 .06 .17 .44 .125 .22 .500
252 S Colvin Iowa Western 18 18 .00 .11 .11 .00 - .00 -
252 M Cordero Pima 18 - .06 .11 .22 .39 .143 .06 .143
252 B Cortez-Perez Southwestern Illinois 18 18 .44 .50 1.39 2.56 .174 1.72 .674
252 M Cossairt Allen County 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 B Davis Navarro 18 18 .06 .06 .17 1.06 .053 .56 .526
252 A DeLuca Southwestern Illinois 18 12 .28 .39 .94 1.06 .263 .50 .474
252 M Del Real Luna Dodge City 18 6 .00 .06 .06 .00 - .00 -
252 M Dennis Itawamba 18 3 .17 .17 .50 .89 .188 .72 .813
252 M Dixon Southwestern Illinois 18 10 .00 .06 .06 .17 .000 .11 .667
252 A Dubois Lewis & Clark 18 2 .11 .17 .39 .00 - .00 -
252 T Edson Butler 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 K Farrell State Fair 18 18 .17 .06 .39 .44 .375 .22 .500
252 K Feeley Sussex County 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 A Flinchum Patrick & Henry 18 17 .00 .00 .00 1.33 .000 .89 .667
252 B Foster Western Wyoming 18 2 .00 .00 .00 .17 .000 .06 .333
252 G Franke State Fair 18 9 .06 .06 .17 .33 .167 .22 .667
252 C Freeman Patrick & Henry 18 9 .22 .17 .61 1.44 .154 .78 .538
252 F Galleguillos-Pollarolo Itawamba 18 1 .11 .11 .33 .44 .250 .50 1.125
252 A Garay Barton 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .00 .000
252 S Garcia State Fair 18 18 .06 .06 .17 .56 .100 .28 .500
252 E Godden Itawamba 18 3 .06 .00 .11 .44 .125 .39 .875
252 H Gonzalez Allen County 18 18 .22 .22 .67 1.83 .121 .44 .242
252 C Groves Iowa Western 18 14 .11 .28 .50 .67 .167 .28 .417
252 N Hadlock Snow 18 15 .56 .22 1.33 2.33 .238 1.22 .524
252 M Hall Utah State Eastern 18 12 .11 .39 .61 .28 .400 .22 .800
252 M Hamilton Navarro 18 16 .00 .11 .11 1.00 .000 .28 .278
252 A Hand Allen County 18 18 .00 .06 .06 .50 .000 .22 .444
252 A Hannigan Cloud County 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 E Hanratty GateWay (AZ) 18 15 .06 .06 .17 .00 - .00 -
252 T Hansen Lewis & Clark 18 17 .28 .78 1.33 .39 .714 .22 .571
252 K Harsch Scottsdale 18 17 .22 .00 .44 .39 .571 .28 .714
252 C Higgins Cape Fear 18 16 1.89 .78 4.56 8.00 .236 4.61 .576
252 S Hilburn Spartanburg Methodist 18 13 .06 .28 .39 .44 .125 .11 .250
252 J Hoch Southwestern Illinois 18 18 .28 .28 .83 1.50 .185 .78 .519
252 M Hoppens Navarro 18 12 .06 .06 .17 .44 .125 .28 .625
252 M Hoyle MCC-Blue River 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 K Hudson Lewis & Clark 18 18 .00 .06 .06 .00 - .00 -
252 K Jaggars Itawamba 18 3 .00 .00 .00 .17 .000 .11 .667
252 B Janeczek Moraine Valley 18 18 1.61 .44 3.67 4.22 .382 2.44 .579
252 A Jennings Southwestern Illinois 18 18 .00 .06 .06 .11 .000 .00 .000
252 R Johns State Fair 18 18 .06 .22 .33 .44 .125 .39 .875
252 K Johnson Hesston 18 18 .28 .28 .83 .61 .455 .44 .727
252 S Kelsi MCC-Blue River 18 - .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .00 .000
252 A Krausz Southwestern Illinois 18 9 .06 .17 .28 .44 .125 .17 .375
252 H Leimkuhler Johnson County 18 6 .06 .11 .22 .22 .250 .17 .750
252 L Lemmons Western Wyoming 18 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 T Lima Barton 18 18 .06 .22 .33 .44 .125 .22 .500
252 A Lizarraga Coffeyville 18 1 .17 .00 .33 .56 .300 .39 .700
252 M Long MCC-Blue River 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .00 .000
252 S Longmore Dodge City 18 18 .56 .28 1.39 4.94 .112 2.22 .449
252 E Lynch Mesa 18 18 .50 .28 1.28 1.89 .265 .33 .176
252 D Maciel Tyler 18 6 .39 .17 .94 1.44 .269 .83 .577
252 B Mack Spartanburg Methodist 18 1 .28 .06 .61 1.11 .250 .44 .400
252 A Manwill Utah State Eastern 18 7 .17 .22 .56 1.50 .111 .61 .407
252 J Marshall Spartanburg Methodist 18 18 .17 .22 .56 .94 .176 .56 .588
252 M Martinez Mesa 18 11 .17 .00 .33 .61 .273 .11 .182
252 K Maryott Utah State Eastern 18 3 .00 .06 .06 .50 .000 .06 .111
252 A McCarter Hutchinson 18 18 .33 .00 .67 2.06 .162 .94 .459
252 M McDonald Lewis & Clark 18 14 .17 .06 .39 .17 1.000 .06 .333
252 E McGee Spartanburg Methodist 18 18 .50 .56 1.56 3.83 .130 2.11 .551
252 A Meadows Itawamba 18 3 .06 .06 .17 .50 .111 .39 .778
252 S Mendoza Navarro 18 7 .11 .28 .50 .94 .118 .83 .882
252 K Milner Dodge City 18 18 .22 .06 .50 .89 .250 .50 .563
252 B Moeder Hutchinson 18 16 1.00 .61 2.61 4.39 .228 2.44 .557
252 M Moresco Hutchinson 18 7 .39 .44 1.22 1.83 .212 1.06 .576
252 R Neff Utah State Eastern 18 4 .22 .11 .56 .67 .333 .17 .250
252 S Nichol Hutchinson 18 17 .50 .72 1.72 4.67 .107 2.17 .464
252 B Nisson Western Wyoming 18 1 .06 .00 .11 .50 .111 .28 .556
252 R Norris Laramie County 18 14 .00 .00 .00 .39 .000 .22 .571
252 M Okuda Hesston 18 18 .50 .61 1.61 .78 .643 .56 .714
252 R Olalere Spartanburg Methodist 18 18 .67 .83 2.17 3.67 .182 2.06 .561
252 M Palfrey Butler 18 9 .28 .22 .78 1.67 .167 1.33 .800
252 G Palma Paradise Valley 18 14 .11 .11 .33 .33 .333 .00 .000
252 N Payne Neosho County 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 T Pritchett Utah State Eastern 18 13 .22 .33 .78 .78 .286 .39 .500
252 E Putnam Utah State Eastern 18 13 .06 .00 .11 .11 .500 .11 1.000
252 A Rabanales Navarro 18 17 .56 .78 1.89 2.28 .244 2.22 .976
252 K Raio Dodge City 18 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 S Raynor Cape Fear 18 15 .44 .67 1.56 3.28 .136 1.72 .525
252 M Reek Neosho County 18 14 .00 .11 .11 .11 .000 .06 .500
252 T Ribble MCC-Blue River 18 18 .00 .06 .06 .00 - .06 -
252 J Rivera Navarro 18 8 .06 .17 .28 .72 .077 .39 .538
252 B Rodriguez Dodge City 18 18 .61 .22 1.44 4.50 .136 2.39 .531
252 V Rodriguez Hesston 18 15 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .00 .000
252 T Rojas Coffeyville 18 - .00 .00 .00 .00 - .06 -
252 B Roman Tyler 18 7 .00 .00 .00 .22 .000 .06 .250
252 P Rosales Dodge City 18 16 .06 .00 .11 1.33 .042 .33 .250
252 K Sabala Hutchinson 18 18 .33 .33 1.00 2.00 .167 .72 .361
252 B Salgado Waubonsee 18 1 .11 .11 .33 .06 2.000 .00 .000
252 S Sanchez Paradise Valley 18 16 .33 .17 .83 .28 1.200 .00 .000
252 O Schellekens Dodge City 18 15 .11 .11 .33 .61 .182 .22 .364
252 B Schroeder Neosho County 18 18 .11 .06 .28 1.17 .095 .89 .762
252 B Schwardt Waubonsee 18 3 .33 .61 1.28 .67 .500 .39 .583
252 M Scott Itawamba 18 1 .28 .33 .89 .89 .313 .56 .625
252 P Seibel Southwestern Illinois 18 18 .83 .50 2.17 3.33 .250 2.33 .700
252 S Shatzer MCC-Blue River 18 18 .06 .06 .17 .28 .200 .06 .200
252 T Sigler State Fair 18 8 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .00 .000
252 J Simental Barton 18 17 .39 .00 .78 1.94 .200 1.22 .629
252 S Simon Sussex County 18 5 .00 .06 .06 .56 .000 .28 .500
252 A Smith Lewis & Clark 18 13 .22 .17 .61 .22 1.000 .06 .250
252 M Stauffer Southwestern Illinois 18 15 .06 .17 .28 .67 .083 .22 .333
252 A Stevens Itawamba 18 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
252 M Stottlemyre MCC-Blue River 18 10 .06 .11 .22 1.06 .053 .50 .474
252 B Suddeth Allen County 18 18 .33 .28 .94 2.22 .150 1.56 .700
252 B Sullivan Itawamba 18 - .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .06 1.000
252 S Sulzman Barton 18 17 .17 .11 .44 1.72 .097 1.00 .581
252 B Todd Sussex County 18 18 .00 .06 .06 .83 .000 .28 .333
252 A Towne Utah State Eastern 18 14 .00 .00 .00 .17 .000 .06 .333
252 L Vasquez Dodge City 18 18 .00 .11 .11 1.06 .000 .33 .316
252 M Vega Spartanburg Methodist 18 18 .61 .44 1.67 2.72 .224 1.56 .571
252 A Verdugo Pima 18 3 .17 .06 .39 .61 .273 .28 .455
252 A Vergara Cloud County 18 17 .61 .72 1.94 3.06 .200 1.89 .618
252 K Wehmeyer State Fair 18 6 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .00 .000
252 A Welch MCC-Blue River 18 18 .50 .22 1.22 2.94 .170 2.00 .679
252 K Williams State Fair 18 18 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .06 1.000
252 A Wilson Itawamba 18 - .06 .00 .11 .22 .250 .17 .750
252 A Witherell MCC-Blue River 18 18 .17 .11 .44 1.28 .130 .89 .696
408 S Amezcua St. Louis 17 17 .53 .18 1.24 2.88 .184 1.76 .612
408 J Annis Cape Fear 17 16 .71 .82 2.24 5.88 .120 3.18 .540
408 E Armstrong Neosho County 17 9 .00 .06 .06 .00 - .00 -
408 M Ball Neosho County 17 14 .24 .12 .59 1.82 .129 1.12 .613
408 M Barbosa Cloud County 17 16 .35 .12 .82 1.94 .182 1.06 .545
408 A Barnett Itawamba 17 1 .35 .18 .88 .65 .545 .59 .909
408 M Barria Parkland 17 14 .12 .18 .41 1.06 .111 .82 .778
408 A Barrientez Angelina 17 17 .00 .00 .00 .12 .000 .00 .000
408 M Bateman Paradise Valley 17 17 .71 .88 2.29 1.35 .522 .35 .261
408 T Bazmore Meridian 17 2 .00 .06 .06 .65 .000 .24 .364
408 T Becker Barton 17 16 .24 .06 .53 2.29 .103 1.12 .487
408 A Blount Gordon State 17 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
408 J Boller Hesston 17 7 .12 .06 .29 .12 1.000 .06 .500
408 C Boswell Meridian 17 5 .12 .00 .24 .82 .143 .47 .571
408 D Brown Neosho County 17 13 .47 .06 1.00 2.12 .222 1.47 .694
408 E Brown Sussex County 17 16 .06 .06 .18 .12 .500 .12 1.000
408 K Brown Hesston 17 2 .06 .06 .18 .06 1.000 .06 1.000
408 M Brown Chandler-Gilbert 17 17 1.35 .82 3.53 .41 3.286 .35 .857
408 M Bulin Scott 17 17 .24 .00 .47 .94 .250 .71 .750
408 A Burrill Scott 17 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
408 K Bush Allen County 17 10 .00 .06 .06 .35 .000 .00 .000
408 C Campbell Meridian 17 14 .41 .18 1.00 2.41 .171 1.71 .707
408 Z Cano Paradise Valley 17 14 .00 .12 .12 .12 .000 .00 .000
408 A Capps Cape Fear 17 15 1.18 .53 2.88 3.71 .317 2.71 .730
408 D Cardona Iowa Western 17 5 .24 .00 .47 1.29 .182 .76 .591
408 J Carson Neosho County 17 12 .18 .00 .35 .29 .600 .18 .600
408 B Colombo St. Charles 17 17 .00 .06 .06 .12 .000 .06 .500
408 S Cornejo Mesa 17 17 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .00 .000
408 R Corriveau Waubonsee 17 1 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .06 1.000
408 S Courtright Itawamba 17 - .00 .00 .00 .12 .000 .06 .500
408 P Craig Illinois Central 17 10 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .24 -
408 K Dahlgren Parkland 17 8 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
408 A Denys Scott 17 17 .18 .24 .59 .94 .188 .59 .625
408 C Dew Northwest Mississippi 17 11 .06 .18 .29 1.76 .033 1.00 .567
408 K Dittman Southwestern Illinois 17 - .00 .00 .00 .29 .000 .06 .200
408 W Diwura Navarro 17 17 .71 .71 2.12 2.88 .245 2.82 .980
408 K Dunson Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 17 14 .12 .06 .29 .12 1.000 .12 1.000
408 L Duran Navarro 17 15 .18 .18 .53 .76 .231 .82 1.077
408 C Elkins Angelina 17 5 .06 .00 .12 .12 .500 .12 1.000
408 A Esparza Chandler-Gilbert 17 6 .06 .18 .29 .00 - .00 -
408 C Espinoza GateWay (AZ) 17 14 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
408 L Fagundes Barton 17 17 .82 .35 2.00 2.65 .311 1.94 .733
408 L Felder Meridian 17 17 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .06 1.000
408 E Ferry Scott 17 17 .00 .00 .00 .06 .000 .00 .000
408 E Fitzpatrick Patrick & Henry 17 13 .12 .18 .41 .94 .125 .71 .750
408 C Floyd Cape Fear 17 13 .12 .06 .29 .76 .154 .35 .462
408 G Fowlie Itawamba 17 1 .12 .06 .29 .06 2.000 .06 1.000
408 M Gajate Mesa 17 17 .18 .06 .41 .65 .273 .12 .182
408 N Garcia Angelina 17 17 .06 .24 .35 .47 .125 .18 .375
408 C Garvey Cape Fear 17 14 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
408 M Gentry St. Charles 17 17 .00 .29 .29 .18 .000 .12 .667
408 C Gleason Utah State Eastern 17 4 .18 .12 .47 .35 .500 .29 .833
408 K Gokey Barton 17 - .00 .12 .12 .41 .000 .35 .857
408 A Grant Scottsdale 17 17 .06 .06 .18 .94 .063 .35 .375
408 M Graves Utah State Eastern 17 14 .00 .00 .00 .47 .000 .18 .375
408 M Grayson Itawamba 17 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
408 M Green Georgia Military 17 16 .24 .59 1.06 2.18 .108 1.47 .676
408 A Griffonetti St. Louis 17 17 .71 .41 1.82 3.24 .218 2.18 .673
408 J Grimes Angelina 17 11 .29 .35 .94 .94 .313 1.24 1.313
408 C Harrington Johnson County 17 16 .06 .29 .41 1.41 .042 1.00 .708
408 A Heider St. Charles 17 17 .29 .35 .94 .76 .385 .65 .846
408 V Hernandez Pratt 17 17 .12 .06 .29 .29 .400 .29 1.000
408 A Hobbs Laramie County 17 1 .12 .06 .29 .88 .133 .65 .733
408 L Hoover Northwest Mississippi 17 11 .35 .18 .88 1.82 .194 1.35 .742
408 A Hosey Parkland 17 17 .47 .12 1.06 1.35 .348 .88 .652
408 M Hutchens Northwest Mississippi 17 9 .00 .00 .00 .29 .000 .12 .400
408 Y Ibarra Neosho County 17 12 .00 .06 .06 .29 .000 .06 .200
408 S Jackson-Brown Barton 17 4 .18 .00 .35 .65 .273 .59 .909
408 C Jacobs Snow 17 11 .24 .18 .65 1.47 .160 1.24 .840
408 C Jamison Pratt 17 17 .24 .00 .47 1.35 .174 1.29 .957
408 B Johnson Coffeyville 17 2 .00 .06 .06 .53 .000 .41 .778
408 C Johnson Pratt 17 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
408 A Jones MCC-Blue River 17 12 .47 .06 1.00 1.47 .320 1.06 .720
408 H Jones Allen County 17 17 .06 .12 .24 .53 .111 .18 .333
408 S Jones Utah State Eastern 17 14 .06 .00 .12 .29 .200 .06 .200
408 A Kehrer Southwestern Illinois 17 4 .00 .00 .00 .12 .000 .06 .500
408 B Klemann Scott 17 17 .12 .06 .29 .59 .200 .47 .800
408 D Lee Hesston 17 1 .06 .00 .12 .06 1.000 .06 1.000
408 R Lee Parkland 17 9 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
408 H Lehmann Southwestern Illinois 17 17 .00 .18 .18 .47 .000 .18 .375
408 J Long Georgia Military 17 10 .00 .06 .06 .41 .000 .47 1.143
408 K Macias Dodge City 17 11 .06 .06 .18 .82 .071 .41 .500
408 K Magby Utah State Eastern 17 14 .06 .06 .18 .29 .200 .41 1.400
408 F Manickam Hesston 17 3 .06 .12 .24 .06 1.000 .06 1.000
408 R Mantz Barton 17 16 .35 .00 .71 1.18 .300 .71 .600
408 C Marietti Spartanburg Methodist 17 17 1.06 .71 2.82 2.65 .400 1.76 .667
408 H Martinez Parkland 17 12 .29 .00 .59 1.24 .238 .88 .714
408 L McClellan Allen County 17 15 .00 .00 .00 .18 .000 .00 .000
408 B McKnight Meridian 17 1 .00 .06 .06 .41 .000 .24 .571
408 L Medina Pratt 17 - .06 .00 .12 .18 .333 .12 .667
408 B Merchant Parkland 17 12 .06 .12 .24 .53 .111 .35 .667
408 K Mireles Northern Oklahoma Tonkawa 17 10 .53 .41 1.47 1.94 .273 1.53 .788
408 J Miyamoto Hutchinson 17 13 .00 .00 .00 .53 .000 .12 .222