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RedTail Bowling Shines at Home

RedTail Bowling Shines at Home

The RedTails competed in the Mid-Iowa Bowling Conference #2 this past weekend at home, at Cadillac XBC. On the women's side, Brianna Ross was the highest finisher, ending up in a tie for 16th, averaging 174.6 for her five games, while Samie Camilo was the highest on the women's JV side with a total of 784. For the RedTail men, Jacob Mattison was riding his hot streak and made his second All-Tournament Team showing in back-to-back weeks and finishing 2nd while averaging 228.6. Saul Hernandez was high on the men's JV squad finishing in 25th place, averaging 182 for his five games Saul also was in 8th place in the overall conference JV standings with a 181.8 average.


All in all, both the men's and women's squads performed better this weekend as a group, feeding off of one another and staying upbeat. The women really rallied together in that last set of bakers on Sunday and finished the tournament on a high note with their highest set of bakers for the event to stay ahead of Wartburg, who jumped in front of us the set before. For the most part, the women were fairly consistent with their team scores throughout the event, but mostly through the baker sets, staying in the 600 range. The JV women had a fun time on the lanes, also staying consistent with their team scores as well.

The RedTails men stuck together and played off each other really well. Their team communication on both the varsity side and the JV side put them in a really good position to move up and improve. However, after being in 6th place going into the position round, the Iowa Central team unfortunately managed to jump the RedTail men by 5 pins, dropping them to 7th.