Raven Johnson #1 GK Northwest

gp 13
gs 10
min 829:00
ga 32
gaa 3.47
sv 56
Recent Games
Oct 2 at Utah State Eastern L, 3-1
Oct 3 at Real Salt Lake Club
Oct 9 at Western Nebraska L, 3-1
Oct 10 at Laramie County L, 4-1
Oct 16 Trinidad State T, 2-2
Oct 17 Otero L, 5-1
Statistics category Overall
Games played 13 71st
Games started 10 54th
Minutes 829:00 88th
Goals against 32 104th
Goals-against average 3.47 115th
Saves 56 92nd
Save pct .636 124th
Wins 4 83rd
Losses 8 2323rd
Ties 1 2293rd
Shutouts 1/1 108th
Date Opponent Score Dec gs min ga gaa sv sv%
Aug 13 # University of Great Falls   - - - - - - -
Aug 15 # Rocky Mountain College   - - - - - - -
Aug 21 # at Rocky Mountain College   - - - - - - -
Aug 25 # at University of Mary   - - - - - - -
Aug 27 # at Montana State University - Billings   - - - - - - -
Aug 29 Utah State Eastern L, 6-0 L 1 90:00 6 6.00 9 .600
Sep 2 Sheridan W, 2-1 - - - - - - -
Sep 4 Western Wyoming W, 2-0 W 1 90:00 0 0.00 0 -
Sep 11 at Otero L, 6-0 L 1 45:00 5 10.00 4 .444
Sep 12 at Trinidad State L, 1-0 L 0 45:00 1 2.00 7 .875
Sep 18 Laramie County L, 4-0 L 1 45:00 3 6.00 2 .400
Sep 19 Western Nebraska W, 2-1 W 0 45:00 0 0.00 5 1.000
Sep 23 at Sheridan W, 2-0 W 1 45:00 0 0.00 2 1.000
Sep 26 at Western Wyoming W, 3-2 W 1 64:00 2 2.81 0 .000
Oct 2 at Utah State Eastern L, 3-1 L 1 90:00 3 3.00 6 .667
Oct 3 # at Real Salt Lake Club   - - - - - - -
Oct 9 at Western Nebraska L, 3-1 L 1 45:00 2 4.00 2 .500
Oct 10 at Laramie County L, 4-1 L 1 45:00 3 6.00 3 .500
Oct 16 Trinidad State T, 2-2 T 0 90:00 2 2.00 9 .818
Oct 17 Otero L, 5-1 L 1 90:00 5 5.00 7 .583
# Stats don't count towards season totals
  gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
Total 13 10 63:46 2.46 3.47 4.31 .636
Exhibition - - 0:00 - - - -
Home 6 4 75:00 2.67 3.20 5.33 .667
Away 7 6 54:09 2.29 3.80 3.43 .600
Neutral - - 0:00 - - - -
Wins 4 3 61:00 .50 0.74 1.75 .778
Losses 8 7 61:52 3.50 5.09 5.00 .588
August 1 1 90:00 6.00 6.00 9.00 .600
September 7 5 54:09 1.57 2.61 2.86 .645
October 5 4 72:00 3.00 3.75 5.40 .643
  gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
Total 13 10 829:00 32 3.47 56 .636 4 8 1 1/1
Exhibition - - 0:00 - - - - - - - 0/0
Home 6 4 450:00 16 3.20 32 .667 2 3 1 1/0
Away 7 6 379:00 16 3.80 24 .600 2 5 0 0/1
Neutral - - 0:00 - - - - - - - 0/0
Wins 4 3 244:00 2 0.74 7 .778 4 0 0 1/1
Losses 8 7 495:00 28 5.09 40 .588 0 8 0 0/0
August 1 1 90:00 6 6.00 9 .600 0 1 0 0/0
September 7 5 379:00 11 2.61 20 .645 4 3 0 1/1
October 5 4 360:00 15 3.75 27 .643 0 4 1 0/0