Hannah Duncan #00 GK Fashion IT

gp 13
gs 13
min 1181:07
ga 32
gaa 2.44
sv 122
Recent Games
Oct 5 vs. Nassau L, 6-0
Oct 11 at Nassau L, 3-0
Oct 12 vs. Borough of Manhattan W, 5-1
Oct 18 Suffolk County L, 3-1
Oct 19 at Kingsborough W, 8-0
Oct 24 at Suffolk County L, 2-0
Statistics category Overall
Games played 13 29th
Games started 13 25th
Minutes 1181:07 23rd
Goals against 32 49th
Goals-against average 2.44 42nd
Saves 122 10th
Save pct .792 25th
Wins 4 36th
Losses 9 1094th
Ties 0 1st
Shutouts 3/0 22nd
Date Opponent Score Dec gs min ga gaa sv sv%
Aug 30 Union L, 5-4 L 1 97:00 5 4.64 12 .706
Sep 6 at Howard (MD) L, 2-0 L 1 90:00 2 2.00 8 .800
Sep 7 at CCBC Essex L, 2-1 L 1 94:07 2 1.91 11 .846
Sep 14 Kingsborough W, 12-0 W 1 90:00 0 0.00 0 -
Sep 20 at Suffolk County L, 5-2 L 1 90:00 5 5.00 20 .800
Sep 25 at Borough of Manhattan W, 7-0 W 1 90:00 0 0.00 0 -
Sep 28 vs. Bryant & Stratton College (NY) L, 3-2 L 1 90:00 3 3.00 11 .786
Oct 5 vs. Nassau L, 6-0 L 1 90:00 6 6.00 16 .727
Oct 11 at Nassau L, 3-0 L 1 90:00 3 3.00 23 .885
Oct 12 vs. Borough of Manhattan W, 5-1 W 1 90:00 1 1.00 2 .667
Oct 18 Suffolk County L, 3-1 L 1 90:00 3 3.00 7 .700
Oct 19 at Kingsborough W, 8-0 W 1 90:00 0 0.00 1 1.000
Oct 24 at Suffolk County L, 2-0 L 1 90:00 2 2.00 11 .846
  gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
Total 13 13 90:51 2.46 2.44 9.38 .792
Exhibition - - 0:00 - - - -
Home 3 3 92:20 2.67 2.60 6.33 .704
Away 7 7 90:35 2.00 1.99 10.57 .841
Neutral 3 3 90:00 3.33 3.33 9.67 .744
Wins 4 4 90:00 .25 0.25 .75 .750
Losses 9 9 91:14 3.44 3.40 13.22 .793
August 1 1 97:00 5.00 4.64 12.00 .706
September 6 6 90:41 2.00 1.98 8.33 .806
October 6 6 90:00 2.50 2.50 10.00 .800
  gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
Total 13 13 1181:07 32 2.44 122 .792 4 9 0 3/0
Exhibition - - 0:00 - - - - - - - 0/0
Home 3 3 277:00 8 2.60 19 .704 1 2 0 1/0
Away 7 7 634:07 14 1.99 74 .841 2 5 0 2/0
Neutral 3 3 270:00 10 3.33 29 .744 1 2 0 0/0
Wins 4 4 360:00 1 0.25 3 .750 4 0 0 3/0
Losses 9 9 821:07 31 3.40 119 .793 0 9 0 0/0
August 1 1 97:00 5 4.64 12 .706 0 1 0 0/0
September 6 6 544:07 12 1.98 50 .806 2 4 0 2/0
October 6 6 540:00 15 2.50 60 .800 2 4 0 1/0