Anthony Pellicciotti #18 G Northampton

gp 6
gs 0
min 300:00
ga 111
gaa 22.20
sv 72
Recent Games
Apr 2 at Union L, 29-7
Apr 6 at Delaware Tech-Terry L, 20-6
Apr 9 Morris L, 19-18
Apr 13 Brookdale L, 28-7
Apr 13 ASA New York
Apr 16 at Moravian College W, 11-8
Statistics category Overall
Games played 6 36th
Games started 0 27th
Minutes 300:00 29th
Goals against 111 16th
Goals-against average 22.20 32nd
Saves 72 28th
Save pct 39.3 31st
Wins 1 28th
Losses 4 19th
Ties 0 1st
Win pct 20.0 27th
Date Opponent Score gs min ga sv sv%
Mar 1 at CCBC Essex L, 27-2 0 60:00 26 13 33.3
Mar 8 at Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades   - - - - -
Mar 8 at Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades   - - - - -
Mar 11 SUNY Broome   - - - - -
Mar 13 at Army Prep   - - - - -
Mar 22 at Tompkins Cortland L, 21-11 0 0:00 0 12 100.0
Apr 2 at Union L, 29-7 0 60:00 29 13 31.0
Apr 6 at Delaware Tech-Terry L, 20-6 0 60:00 20 13 39.4
Apr 9 Morris L, 19-18 - 0:00 - - 0.0
Apr 13 Brookdale L, 28-7 0 60:00 28 14 33.3
Apr 13 ASA New York   - - - - -
Apr 16 at Moravian College W, 11-8 0 60:00 8 7 46.7
Apr 19 at Suffolk County   - - - - -
  gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% win loss tie win %
Total 6 0 300:00 111 22.20 72 39.3 1 4 0 20.0
Exhibition - - 0:00 - - - 0.0 - - - 0.0
Home 1 0 60:00 28 28.00 14 33.3 0 1 0 0.0
Away 5 0 240:00 83 20.75 58 41.1 1 3 0 25.0
Neutral - - 0:00 - - - 0.0 - - - 0.0
Wins 1 0 60:00 8 8.00 7 46.7 1 0 0 100.0
Losses 5 0 240:00 103 25.75 65 38.7 0 4 0 0.0
March 2 0 60:00 26 26.00 25 49.0 0 1 0 0.0
April 4 0 240:00 85 21.25 47 35.6 1 3 0 25.0